Saturday, November 07, 2009

Day 9

For the cat that thinks the couch is his! He love to stretch out as far as he can right in the middle of the couch for his nap.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Day 8

For kids who play well together and for a clean family room...which hardly ever happens. Especially on a day that the kids are not in school!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Days 6 and 7

So, Aidan and I were sick yesterday. I did take a picture, but am just now getting it posted.Day 6: For my husband who bought dinner because I wasn't feeling well, and who loves me unconditionally. I love you so much Aaron!

And Day 7: For days that you feel so much better than the day before!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Day 5

This one is for a couple of things:
For my in laws who gave me this computer. I am thankful that you are in my life, and that you brought the perfect person into this world to be my husband. I love you both very much!

Also, this is for the technology that 20 years ago we didn't have. I am thankful that it is available now to keep in touch with the people I love. It has also helped me reconnect with friends that I haven't seen in years!

Monday, November 02, 2009

Day 4

For my sweet little boy who thinks giving his sucker away will make someone feel better.

Ok, so this post needs more of a story. Today, Aidan came home and told me that his teacher was not at school and he had a substitute. Then he told me "I gave the substitute my sucker to give to my teacher, so she will feel better." Isn't that one of the sweetest stories ever? Most kids who have a sucker in their lunch would have gobbled it up, but instead my baby thought it would help someone feel better. I am so proud of the person he is becoming and am so thankful that God placed him in my life.

I love you Aidan!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Day 3

For a fun night of laughing at mad libs! One of our favorite games to play!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 2

I'm thankful for spending time with just me and the kids although I was a *little* jealous that my hubby got invited to the blackout game and the kids and I didn't get to go.