Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Stampin Up

So, this week I have decided to get busy working on my projects for Stampin Up's concept artist position. I am amazed that they are still looking for one. It is even up on Monster. com (the look for jobs website). I am really nervous. I have not had a job in 7 years now. Unless you count the 6 months going back into teaching preschool when Kaitlyn was little. It was a horrible expierence and I refuse to do that anymore. I am praying that this is the right job for me. I have 4 projects finished, and need to do 6 more.
I am trying to get them finished this week because that job has been posted since June and I am afraid that it will be gone if I wait any longer. This is something I really want, so I figured I should go for it!
Other than that this is crazy clean up week, making sure everything is ready for people to come and stay.

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