Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Breathing a sigh of relief.

I have never been so happy to have Halloween over. This year was one of the hardest years for me to stick to our beliefs. I have never been one to have a too hard of time for living what I believe. But with the birth of our children, and Kaitlyn going to public school I have been having a hard time sticking with what I believe.
We have chosen not to celebrate halloween due to the origins of it. So, we don't go "Trick or Treating" (I hate even the name of that.) And for years we have done nothing as far as dressing up. Well, the last few years they have had a fall festival at our church on a day other than halloween. That is fine. We go and participate the kids have fun. It is a fun time and an outreach into our community.
That part that has become hard the last few years is the actual day of halloween at school. They do a parade and have a big party. So, I feel bad when Kaitlyn isn't dressed up (she didn't for kindergarten) and misses out on the fun activities. The last 2 years I have let her dress up for the school parade, but then I feel guilty to not sticking with what I believe in. I mean if I am letting her dress up for school, but not go "trick or treating" or carve pumpkins or any of the other halloween stuff am I being a hypocrite?
It is just so hard to balance your convictions to wanting the best for your children. Not hurting their feelings or making an outcast out of them for their beliefs. I think some major prayer is in order before next years halloween.
I am so glad the day is over and that we can move on to celebrating things that are important to us...being thankful and Christ's birth!


Anonymous said...

ok - can I just say I HEAR YA GIRL!!! I have that EXACT thought!! We don't celebrate halloween either... I kept having people ask me what Audrey was going to be for halloween and saw all these cute costumes and thought - oh what's wrong with just dressing her up? But then one morning during my quite time I realized that dressing her up in a costume is the same as celebrating in the holiday. It's SO hard when our children don't understand why they can't participate. I am praying now that I don't have to deal with halloween and santa when Audrey is a bit older. But I WILL NOT let her participate in anything to do with halloween or santa... that's MY choice and I feel that even though it's hard for me and it's going to probably be hard for her as she doesn't quite understand everything - I consider it to be tough love. and I can PRAY that she would realize it's JESUS who we celebrate every day and that she would not feel left out when others are participating in things she is not "allowed" to participate in. HUGS to you Shannon! Proverbs 22:6

Nicole *Ü* said...

I'm sorry you're having a hard time with this. I didn't realize your feelings on it and I hope I have never offended you in any way by my ignorance of your feelings. I never really think about the origins of it, just that it's fun to dress up and all the candy.

Anyway, our school doesn't let the kids dress up during school at all and there aren't supposed to be any class parties, but they do have a carnival one night. Maybe you could make a suggestion to the PTA or the principal to do something like that, so that at least you could choose not to attend the carnival but Kaitlyn wouldn't have to miss any school, if you chose to keep her out of school that day and really didn't want her to dress up and not feel left out.

I hope you're able to get the answers and peace you're seeking through prayer.

Unknown said...

I believe this discussion has gone on for decades and children who have participated and others are for the most part not scared either way. The parents seem most disturbed and the children unconcerned.

pappa wampler